Core Values

Set Free to Be
We live in freedom by knowing who we are in Christ.

  • Salvations
  • Baptism
  • Deliverance From Our Past

Strive to Thrive
We passionately pursue our relationship with God.

  • SOAP - Scripture - Observation - Application - Prayer
  • Prayer
  • Fasting

Better Together
We are known, loved and challenged through authentic relationships.

  • Dedicated To A Serve Group
  • Accountability
  • Participating In A Group

Serve All, Love All
We use our gifts to serve others with the love of Jesus Christ.

  • Serving On A Team
  • Involved In Outreach
  • Take A Mission Trip
  • Leading A Small Group

Live to Give
We generously steward what we’ve been given.

  • Tithing
  • Kingdom Builders - Above & Beyond Giving
  • Stewarding All Areas of Life Through The Lens of Generosity
